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On-the-Road Fitness: 10 Tips to Help Long-Haul Drivers Stay Fit and Healthy

Findit Parts

September 03, 2020

On-the-Road Fitness: 10 Tips to Help Long-Haul Drivers Stay Fit and Healthy

Image Source: Pixabay

Long-haul driving lifestyle is challenging, but it can also be rewarding, especially during the pandemic, when truckers like you are deemed heroes. Since you are on the road for days, weeks, or even months, and the job itself is quite sedentary, maintaining healthy habits often takes the back seat.

Fortunately, you can tailor your driver wellness efforts to your unique needs to effectively improve your overall physical and mental fitness, even if you’re always behind the wheel. Here are tips you can follow to make health a priority while on the go:

  • Eat healthy and stay hydrated on the go.

While on a long drive, choose healthy options when eating out. At truck stop restaurants, avoid ordering processed and sugary food. Try to resist the temptation of eating fast foods. Pack a balanced healthy meal instead. If it isn’t possible, you can cook nutritious food while taking a rest. Invest in a slow cooker, a portable grill, or other cooking equipment that can help you conveniently prepare and enjoy fresh, home-cooked meals on the road.

Stay hydrated. Before pulling off the garage for a long haul, keep water bottles with you so you can hydrate yourself anytime. Do not skip breakfast. Snacking is also okay; you just have to do it on schedule. Junk those junk foods and replace them with protein bars, nuts, fresh fruits, whole grain crackers, string cheese, and other healthy snacks.

  • Get sufficient rest and sleep.

Having a regular bedtime and rising time can be difficult for truckers. But since you need to catch 6 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep to function well, you need to plan your trips and stops well to maximize your driving hours and get adequate time for rest and sleep.

For a sound sleep, find ways to destress and relax before your sleeping time. Make sure that your truck’s sleeper berth is properly equipped for sleeping. It should have comfortable and high-quality mattresses and pillows, portable fan and heater, adequate ventilation, and proper occupant restraint. If possible, get yourself a white noise machine to cancel outside noise and achieve peaceful sleep.  

  • Avoid smoking.

If you haven’t quit this unhealthy habit yet, it’s now time to do so. Smoking affects the functions of every organ as it robs the body with its much-needed oxygen supply. Smoking also gives birth to many health issues that can make you unfit for long-haul drives.

  • Say NO to unnecessary stimulants.

The use of stimulants is commonplace in the trucking industry. While these drinks can provide your mind and body with a short-term artificial boost of energy and alertness, these will take a toll on your health. Coffee will even dehydrate you. It is a good idea to cut back on these stimulants, but it’s best if you can completely avoid these.  Our body has its way of telling us when it needs rest; do not bypass this using these drinks.

  • Take advantage of any exercise opportunity.

It’s not every day that you get the chance to park your truck near a running track or in a truck stop with gyms and fitness centers, but this shouldn’t stop you from performing simple exercises to sweat your body toxins out. It could be as easy as doing an abdominal crunch and shoulder shrugs at red lights.

If you have a folding bicycle, you can have it stowed in your truck’s sleeper-berth compartment. While you’re safely parked at a truck stop, ride around the area, or find small bike trails to follow. You can also run or walk several times around your truck or do a few squats at the truck stops. Doing some stretches when fueling your vehicle won’t hurt as well.

  •  Maintain good personal hygiene.

Personal hygiene for those who are on the road is much different from those who are at home. Always pack shower essentials like soap, towels, clean clothes, and shampoo. Bring your oral hygiene kit, which includes a toothbrush, toothpaste, and mouthwash. Don’t forget your deodorant. Bring baby wipes as well since it can substitute for a shower if there are no truck stops nearby or if you get stranded, and you can’t drive to the nearest stop. It is always advisable to have enough hand sanitizers and alcohol on hand.

  • Protect yourself against the sun.

Exposure to direct sunlight can lead to sunburns and other skin diseases, including skin cancer. While on the road, be aware of the amount of sun you get exposed to. If you are always driving in broad daylight, keep yourself protected from the harsh sun rays by wearing sunglasses, applying a decent amount of sunscreen, parking in the shade, and many others. 

  • Look for ways to relieve your stress. 

Managing your stress while on the go is vital to your overall health and wellbeing. Plan your trips and stops carefully to give yourself ample time to reach your destination safely. This will save you from the stress of rushing, which can cause accidents. If you think you are getting stressed out, know what causes it, and find ways to distract yourself. Pull over to the safe side of the road and rest for a while. If you need to keep going, try listening to your favorite music. Avoid pushing yourself past the point of exhaustion as it can take a toll not only on your physical but also on your mental health.

  • Take care of your mental health.

Your job can be taxing and tedious, and this isn’t a good combination. You may end up distracted, or you may overthink, and either of these can cause emotional reactions. It pays big time to stay fresh and alert and not dwell on a matter for too long. To avoid being homesick, call your family and friends often. You can also bring pictures and other small things that can remind you of your home. While on the road, collect stories and photos that you can share with your family once you come home.

  • Keep your truck cab clean and organized.

A tidy cab can keep you focused on the road for a comfortable and safe drive. You virtually live in the cab of your truck, so you must keep it clean. When you’re refueling or parked on truck stops, take a few minutes to pick up trash, and organize your belongings. Wipe down surfaces to get rid of dust and dirt. Remember that a well-kept interior can benefit your overall mood, wellbeing, and driving performance. It can also make your truck more professional-looking, which can be of great help during a DOT inspection.

Following these trucker health tips and making a healthy driving lifestyle a habit will help you stay fit on long drives. If you need some tools and equipment to help you achieve all these, FinditParts has the answers. You’ll find here top-quality yet reasonably priced truck accessories and roadside and truck safety components, so you have no reason not to get off that unhealthy path you’re trudging on.


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